Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Welcoming 2013 With Open Arms

Goodbye 2012 and HELLO 2013!!!

This year can only bring me happiness! In just a few short days I will be on a plane to my home in Italy and will reunite with some of my very close friends. Soon after that I will start another class with PWOC. Then March will soon be here and I will jump into my husband's arms! That day can't come soon enough!!! And after that I have no idea what 2013 holds. Whatever God has in store for us is just fine! Anyways so Happy New Year!!! I am looking back on 2012 and all the lessons learned, friends made, and roads traveled. I got involved in PWOC and met some of the most amazing women of God ever and learned how to prepare myself spiritually for deployment. I loved our class and got so much out of it. It helps when you have such and awesome teacher! In April, Richard and I got to go to the states and visit our friends and family for two weeks. July 9th my husband and I said See Ya Soon. In August I came home to the states for my little brothers wedding! Joshua asked me to be his best man or groomsmaid as I liked to call it. It was a beautiful wedding and Brother looked so handsome and Lauren was a gorgeous bride. In October I went to Montego Bay, Jamaica on an all women's mission trip with Mission Discovery. That was such an amazing trip!! I met some very sweet ladies who I love and miss so very much! God just blessed us all so much on that trip... I got to go play with orphan babies and show them love like they have never seen before! I got to help build a handicap ramp up to the main church Mission Discovery helps. I got to go to a deaf school and play with the kids and had to communicate using pen and paper only. Those kids touched my heart so much that I want to make it a point this year to really try to learn sign language. The whole trip was just a huge blessing and I want to thank God for the many friends he gave me that week. A few weeks ago I went to Nashville and actually got to see a dear friend of mine that I actually met in Jamaica! It was awesome to see her and meet her family and go to her church! So then the holiday season came. Thanksgiving was great! I ate way too much as usual... And then Christmas came flying by and now it is January 1st. Let's see there are so many more things that has happened this year... Brother just graduated from the Air Force's Basic Training. I had three moles removed and all came back normal thank the Lord. Richard and I celebrated our 2nd Anniversary many miles apart. OK I can't think of more at the moment... Anyways! 

So as I start out this new year there are a few things that I have my heart set on as far as goals go. I won't say resolutions but I will say GOALS. They are not the usual lose weight, be nicer, give more... 
No. Mine are more personal and important that the ones I have made in the past. I can say I grew up a lot in 2012 and I am continuing to grow. Ok so in 2013 here are a few GOALS I have set for myself.

1. I want to blog at least once a week.
2. I want to learn Sign Language.
3. I want to go on at least one Mission Trip.
4. I want to become a better wife. (It's waaaaay more in depth than just a better wife but it's personal.)
5. I want to take at least one picture a day.
6. I want to tell more people about Jesus and what He has done for me.
7. I want to be more frugal.
8. I want to start school again. 
9. I want to get a part time job.
10. I want to keep a journal updated.
11. I want to do a devotion every day.
12. I want to keep a healthier lifestyle. (eat healthier and exercise daily)
13. I want to become more confident.
14. I want to read at least 13 books. (13... 2013... get it...)
15. I want to travel to more places.

Ok I know there are a few more but I cant think of them at the moment... I need you all to keep me accounted for! :) Ok I need to go start my new devotional! :) Go me!!


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Purity Lesson

Last night at church was amazing! God was totally in that little room with Amber and I as we spoke to high school aged girls about a very serious topic. Premarital Sex. We started out the lesson going over a few things that Amber had covered the previous Wednesdays. The girls seemed interested but too shy to really talk about anything. After we reviewed, Amber wanted me to tell the girls my testimony about waiting till marriage to have sex. So I started out telling the girl's that from 2006-2010, 80+ percent of women had sex before they got married. They were pretty shocked at this crazyness and who wouldn't be! I then began to explain that I was very proud to be part of that 20% of ladies that actually waited to have sex with their husbands. I told them that when I was 15 I took the True Love Waits course at SonRise Community Church and I had made a commitment to God and to my future husband that I would wait till marriage. I wore my TLW ring till the day I married Richard about 5 years after I made that commitment. 
After shedding some tears, I continued to tell them how proud of me my husband was. He told me that that was something that he loved about me and that he really respects me for waiting. It was really hard to talk about Richard last night to those teen girls. The whole time my throat was so tight and I know my face had to be bright red, but I said what I thought God wanted me to say. Afterwards, Amber told them about how she started keeping a journal to her future husband right after we graduated high school and still writes to him now. So she wanted the girls to write a letter to their future husbands and they were pretty excited about it. They didn't have a lot to say about the whole lesson but I had to remind them again that I was so thankful that I had someone tell me about the importance of waiting, not only to my husband but to God as well. I pray for those girls. I pray that they will make the same promise I made to myself, to my husband, and to my God. They will not regret it and their husbands will forever treasure that gift. So after I got home and started to get online to see if Richard was online I has seen one of the girls from the class say this... "Just had the best lesson at church tonight. Thank you Amber and Meagan! I am so blessed to have both of you in my life. You truly inspire me!" 

This warmed my heart and I thought to myself, 'Wow God you were right there with us tonight!!!' Then when I though it couldn't get any better, another friend told us this... "just want you girls to know that (GIRL) was really listening tonight, She is actually considering the possibility of saving herself for her husband. we talked about it on the way home. she was curious. that's the first time anyone has ever talked to her about purity. Keep up the good work! You girls ROCK!'

WHOA!!!! How blessed Amber and I both were last night!! I still am praising the Lord for everything He has done in my life! I don't deserve half the things He does for me, but I am so grateful! 

Blessed beyond measure!!

XO Meagan

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Time To Get Serious

I will never be a successful blogger if I don't start updating more... I just feel like there isn't a whole lot to talk about sometimes or what happened today really wasn't worth writing about... I hate that I think like that. So no more negative thoughts towards this whole blogging thing. I want my blog to be a place to find encouragement, comfort, love, and whatever else you might be needing. My vision for this blog is to be something amazing and God-lead. I will be doing lots of different things to this here bloggy and I hope you find it refreshing and fun! 
On another note... I will now try to do a quick re-cap of the past 4 months of my life...

June was a very sad month for me. I knew it was the last full month I got to spend with my husband before he leaves me for nine months. So on a happier not, Richard and I tried to spend every single second we could together and not take anything for granted. June was a bittersweet month... 

Then the dreaded July came and on the 9th I had to say goodbye to the love of my life and let the Army have him for the next nine months. He is currently living in Afghanistan. 

About a month late (August) I got to fly home to Georgia. Reuniting with my friends and family was great and still is. Since being home I haven't really done a whole lot.. Being without a car stinks and having to sit at home 95% of the time is a nightmare since back 'home' in Italy I was doing something just about everyday... 

I do miss Italia very much but I miss my Army sisters even more... I miss having friends that are going thru what I am going thru... I miss having Bible studies every Friday... I miss going to PWOC every Tuesday... I miss my Chosen ladies and our random coffee dates at Ciao Cafe... I miss it all very much...

It is now September and we are 2 1/2 months down and 6 1/2 more months to go with this deployment and every day that passes is another day closer to him being in my arms again. Richard is doing very well over there and I have been very fortunate to be able to talk to him via Facebook and Skype. Thank the Lord for technology!! Since being gone however tragedy has come and gone many times...  We have lost a few very brave soldiers and it breaks my heart to know that some mother, father, wife, son, daughter, brother, sister, and fellow soldier lost a loved one. I pray that God is with them each and every day and helps them find peace in knowing that they are in a much better place than we are. 

Psalm 91 is my go-to chapter during this deployment. It's not only encouraging but it gives me hope and strength and most of all it helps my faith in God grow. I know that the Lord will cover Richard with his mighty wings and keep him safe. I know in my heart that He will bring him safely home to me.  My God is a mighty and I thank Him so much for the peace of mind that He gives me everyday. 

Lately I have been struggling with knowing how to prepare myself emotionally and spiritually for my upcoming mission trip to Jamaica. All I know to do as of right now is to pray that the Lord will guide me in the right direction and help me to know His will for me on this trip. I pray that I get everything He wants me to get out of this trip. For those of you who read this I ask you to please be praying for me. I just want to bless the Lord in all my works and praise Him in everything I do. 

With His love,


Monday, May 21, 2012

Long Time No Post

Well I am just a failure at blogging. It has been almost 3 whole months since I have updated last and I apologize for that. A LOT has happened since Feb. Let's see, where to begin.... Well pretty much the whole month of March my husband, Richard was gone back up to Germany again for training. I tried to keep busy the whole time and I think it went by pretty fast for the most part. Then April came and it was FINALLY time to go HOME to Georgia!!! We got to go home for two whole weeks! It was a very much needed visit but it went by way to0 fast. The first week Richard was sick most of the time with 104 degree fevers and a trip to the Emergency Room. Not my idea of a vacation but that would be our luck. The second week however was a very fun week! We got to see lots of our friends and family! I'll post pictures after this post. I hated saying our last goodbyes. It was bittersweet. I missed my friends back here in Italy. My 'babies' Ava and Rohan grew up way too fast while we were all away. Then May came and I turned 22 years young! I had a great time going downtown Vicenza out to eat with all of my best friends and their husbands. I love my 'family' here in Italy. They keep me sane! Oh yeah my little brother Joshua turned 19 on the 17th! Crazy how time flies! Then the day after his birthday he proposed to his lady, Lauren! I am so excited for them and their future!
Hmmm... what else can I update on... OH i know! I have joined a movement called I AM SECOND. A few of us meet on Wednesdays and watch a clip from a person who tells their story or their testimony. It's been a real blessing to me. I love hearing people's reasons why they are second. God is FIRST. We plan on going out into the community and do community service projects. And then on Thursday's I have started going to a friends house for another Bible study! So at least 3 days out of the week I am going to some sort of Bible study and I love it! It's awesome!!! I have finally come to realize that I am looking at these 3 years here in Italy as nothing more than a long mission trip!! That excites me! I want to 'plant seeds' (and I think I already have) here and watch as God helps them grow spiritually. I was driving in my car the other day and I was just thinking and realized that I have 'planted seeds' (witnessed to other people) in the US, Mexico, Italy, and come October in Jamaica!! I have found a ladies only mission trip in Montego Bay for a week! I am so excited!!! I am also preparing for my first deployment... Not looking forward to my husband leaving but I know this is part of his job and that I can't change. With God help, I will be strong for Richard, our families, and myself. I will be fine! Oh one last thing! Earthshakes!!! (Got from The Land Before Time) We have been having earthquakes like crazy here the last few days! Night before last we had a 6.3 magnitude one that shook my entire bed like crazy and scared me half to death! It's been pretty scary! But the Lord will take care of us! :) No doubt!



My little family <3

My Mama & I

Greatest Man I know :) Papa

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A February Update

Well I have already failed at updating on here like I wanted to do... No worries! So 2012 has already been a WAAAAY better year for me than last year! The past few weeks I have been going to PWOC (protestant women of the chapel). I am in the Bible study group called Hope for the Homefront. It is a Bible study on how to be spiritual prepared for deployment. Even though we just started like 3 weeks ago, I have learned so much. Not to mention I have made some really great friends who love Jesus as much as I do!! This past Tuesday we discussed how a lot of times we take out our anger on our beloved, when in reality it isn't at all his fault it is usually the Army's. A friend then pointed out that she gets mad when her husband makes the choice to leave her behind. Like he could choose whether or not to deploy and he chose to deploy. That is definitely something I would do. But then another lady had the same thing happen where her husband chose to leave, but she said instead of getting mad at him for doing his job and serving his country, be proud of your husband. This hit my heart hard. I couldn't help but tell Richard about what I had learned and when we were about to go to sleep I told him I was really proud of him. I am pretty sure that made him feel good. I have to remember that yes, Richard has a very dangerous job but his days are numbered. When it is his time to leave this world behind he will. Whether it is here at home, driving down the road, or fighting for America. I am very proud of him and I love him so much for being so dedicated. I know God will keep him safe through it all. Which reminds me that we are also trying to memorize Psalm 91. It's the Soldier's Prayer. Here it is...

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High 
   will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.[a] 
2 I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress, 
   my God, in whom I trust.”
 3 Surely he will save you
   from the fowler’s snare
   and from the deadly pestilence.
4 He will cover you with his feathers,
   and under his wings you will find refuge;
   his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
5 You will not fear the terror of night,
   nor the arrow that flies by day,
6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
   nor the plague that destroys at midday.
7 A thousand may fall at your side,
   ten thousand at your right hand,
   but it will not come near you.
8 You will only observe with your eyes
   and see the punishment of the wicked.
 9 If you say, “The LORD is my refuge,”
   and you make the Most High your dwelling,
10 no harm will overtake you,
   no disaster will come near your tent.
11 For he will command his angels concerning you
   to guard you in all your ways;
12 they will lift you up in their hands,
   so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra;
   you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
 14 “Because he[b] loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him;
   I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
15 He will call on me, and I will answer him;
   I will be with him in trouble,
   I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life I will satisfy him
   and show him my salvation.”

I'm trying to memorize this... Hope that I can! So on another note.... The past 2 days have been awesome! Italian thrift stores, great deals, and italian food at Regina's Restaurant! Yum! I am so thankful for great friends!! :) Have a great Thursday everybody! 



Thursday, January 5, 2012

Goodbye 2011!!

I'm so glad to wave goodbye to year 2011. It was one crazy year for me. And that was the understatement of the century! I can honestly say that 2012 can only get better. I always make resolutions and I either forget about them or I never follow through.. So this year I made myself a 2012 Bucket List. If I do all the things on the list then thats awesome. If I don't then that is ok. I won't beat myself up about them. But just to reflect on 2011 here is a little list that is kinda like a timeline of my year...

Finally got to go get Ellie and bring her home.
Saying goodbye to Richard who left for Italy in March. 
Turned 21 years old.
Packing to past time until I get to go to Italy.
August I said sad goodbyes to friends and family & finally leave and reunite with Richard after 6 months.
Get pregnant.
Have miscarriage.
Have one year anniversary with my husband.
Have our 2nd Christmas as a married couple.
Ring in the New Year.

It was indeed the hardest year of my life. It was also a year that I turned to God for everything. He held my hand thru it all. Leaving my family and moving to a whole new country. Having seen my baby and a strong heartbeat on an ultra sound and a few days later having a miscarriage. God has really helped me and I know He will continue to be with me and guiding me. I have full faith in Him and His will for my life. :) I thank Him so much for everything. He has made me a very very strong person and has made my marriage a very very strong one. 

So now here are a few things on my 2012 Bucket List

Tell more people about Jesus.
Do more crafts.
Re-learn how to sew.
Make my bed everyday. (which I have already failed to do) 
Write in my Journal everyday.
Take more pictures.
Keep my blog up to date. 
Survive deployment.

Those are just a few of what I want to accomplish.  :) 




I wanted to start the new year with a few facts about me for any new followers!

1. I married my best friend, Richard, on December 21, 2010. 
2. My middle name is Victoria just like my Mommy.
3. I love scary movies and romantic comedies.
4. The Twilight series are my favorite books. (so far)
5. I  have had my names for my future children for forever. 
6. I have low blood sugar and low iron. 
7. I'm addicted to Burt's Bees Chapstick.
8. Coffee runs in my veins. 
9. I love Audrey Hepburn's Breakfast at Tiffany's. 
10. I love going to beaches. 
11. I'm a Georgia Bulldog fan! Go Dawgs!
12. I was born in Watertown, New York.
13. I love anything vintage.
14. I love going to thrift stores.
15. I have two little brothers, Joshua 18, and Jonathan 12.
16. I love to write in my journals.
17. I am a very crafty person.
18. I have a one year old Mini Dachshund named Ellie.
19. I spent way to much time on Pinterest!! 
20. I wanna write a book one day. 

Monday, August 29, 2011

The past 9 days...

Ok so I haven't been doing a whole lot but cleaning my house and watching television and that is why I haven't been blogging as much as I would like to... Hopefully when I start going places and doing things I will have a story to tell y'all everyday! But until then I will just post every few days... If that's ok. 
So here is a recap of this past week.
I finally got out of the house and hung out with some friends!! We didn't really do anything but go to post BUT that to me is way better than sitting on my tush at home. I hate just doing nothing. Then we had a cookout to attend and that was a awesome because I got to meet a bunch of other Army wives. Finally. Then Richard and I went out to eat with another couple to this Mexican Pizza place. I thought it was pretty funny because everything is still in Italian... haha. But Richard and I had actually already eaten so we just got two desserts and OH MY they were delicious! He got a half of a pineapple that was carved out and it had pineapple ice cream in the middle. It was good but now as yummy as mine! I got a lemon flute. It was the best lemon-y dessert I have ever eaten!! :)  After we ate and talked for a while we decided to go downtown. We went to a place called Orange Bar. All we did was sit outside at talk and take in the pretty buildings around all lit up. (This was about 11p.m. at night) We had fun just chilling with friends. I def. wanna go back downtown when its daylight and take a bunch of pictures! :)
Well today all I did was clean but our apartment needed it so I am not complaining. 
So I had a pretty good week and weekend!
XO Meg 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

..a day in the life of meg..

Ciao! So this week has been a really slow and boring week... But here is kind of what goes on in my days... When he leaves in the early mornings I try my hardest to go back to sleep. (He leaves around 5:30 a.m.) Sometimes I do get to sleep another hour or so, but that doesn't happen too often. After I get out of bed I take Ellie outside for her to go potty. By 7 a.m. its pretty warm here.  Then we both eat our breakfast and catch up on some t.v. After breakfast I start the cleaning process. This is what I do to pass the most time in my day. I usually start with my kitchen because it is the room that needs the most attention. Dishes get washed by hand and put away. Then my counters and stove top get a good clorox cleaning.  After the kitchen is spotless I tackle the living room, dining room, and our bedroom and bathroom. These rooms don't need much... All I usually have to do in these is pick up a few things. After all the rooms are cleaned up I sweep and mop the whole apartment. This doesn't take me but like 2 hours to do... so by lunch time I have nothing to do but either watch t.v. or get online. One of my recent confessions I made on my Facebook was this.. I play Call of Duty: Black Ops while Richard is at work and I have nothing else to do. And with saying that, I just beat the whole game...... Haha It's true. I beat it. Sad to say really. But what else is a girl to do?! So after hours of trying to pre-occupy myself my hubby finally goes home around 6 p.m. That makes me whole day a lot better!!! About this time is when we figure out what to have for dinner and I begin the cooking process. Tonight we had a lovely ribeye steak with green beans and potatoes. I must say I love to cook! After dinner we just relax. We watch television or Skype with our family, or what Richard usually does.. Plays WOW. Then around 10:30 we are ready for bed! So there is a little tid-bit of what a day in the life of ME is like. Boring huh? YES! I still haven't been anywhere yet... Although this week a friend of mine came and picked me up and we hung out for a good while. We had a good time getting to know each other. I can't wait till I get my car or my household goods so I can have my bike. I am stuck here in this apt until I get my things. I hate not being able to just hop in my car and go like I did in the States. Soon but real soon my things will come! I have faith!  Oh this week I got to experience my first night alone. It was jump week and Richard had to leave to go jump out of an airplane. Ellie and I had the place to ourselves and in all honestly I didn't like it one bit. I don't like being here alone, but having Ellie makes it a lot better. I was so excited to see Richard when he came home! 
Even though it was only one night it still felt like forever... I dread the two weeks he has to do in Germany coming up next month. Stinks!! Well it is getting late here in Italy, so I am about to go to bed... but I hope you all have a wonderful evening! 

We actually took this one today. Can you say LOVE? <3
XO Meg

Friday, August 12, 2011

In a nut shell...

So I finally got internet yesterday afternoon and what a happy girl I am to finally be back in the real world! Is that sad?    Nah... HA! Anyway I wanted to keep up with what all I have done so while I didnt have internet I just used Word and made entries that way that I will now post. They start on August 1st to the 9th I think...

Monday, August 1, 2011
Yesterday morning we left the Smokey Mountains around 9 a.m. to find a church to go to. We drove for a little over an hour before we found Nantahala Missionary Baptist Church. We got there just in time for the service. It was… interesting id have to say. It was a very traditional little country church. After the service we headed to the Fields of the Woods. It was in Murphy, North Carolina. We got there and ate a quick picnic lunch and then we explored the park. It had a huge display of the Ten Commandments. 
Then it had a whole lot of other Biblical things. A really neat thing was the display of flags from every nation and they were in the shape of a cross. It was pretty cool. We had fun on our last family vacation! After we left there we were headed home. I got home and visited with my family and we had a very yummy veggie meal, courtesy of Granny. It was delish! After dinner and some of the family left I went up to my room to pack the rest of my things. Let me just say I was starting to stress out big time! I had 4 suitcases that I could take and a backpack and my stuff was NOT fitting at all! I was getting a little depressed because I knew there was no way I was gonna be able to take all of my things that I wanted to bring with me. Then I hear the front door open and there is my Mom! I was so surprised to see her! She had went home and told my dad that this was the last night with me and that she wanted to spend it with me. And thank goodness she did come because she helped me pack almost all of my things! And made it fit!! We did have to pack a 5th bag but I was sure that it was worth whatever amount of money… So after staying up till after 1:30 a.m. we got all my stuff fit into 5th big suitcases, a backpack, and another good size bag. (Thanks Mom) Then we decided it was time to go to bed… As I went to sleep last night I just thought to myself that this was the last time I would sleep on my comfy bed. Last time of this pillow. It was very sad… But then I thought but the next night I would be spending on a plane to Italy! Then I fell asleep. So this morning I woke up and spent some time (not enough) with my Granny & PaPa. It was hard telling them goodbye. They have been by my side from day one and for them not to be able to be a drive away from me is going to be a challenge. But I am hoping that with Skype and facebook I can keep in touch. After they left the house to take Granny to physical therapy Mom and I got ready and then we finished packing up the last few things I had. After I was all packed I had to go get Ellie’s papers at the vet’s office, which took way too long. But after that we were on our way to Atlanta to ship my car off and then to the airport! After an hour at the car-shipping place we (mom, Josh, Jon, and I) went to the airport. We got there and got to talk to this really nice lady that helped me check all my bags in and to my surprise I didn’t have to pay a penny for Ellie or my extra baggage! I was so happy! Oh and the lady also gave mom josh and Jon a gate pass so that they could come with me and sit at the gate! So after about 2 hours of waiting they called to board the plane! I had tell my brothers and my Moma goodbye… Mom started to cry and so did I. I don’t know what I will do without them. It’s going to be hard but I will have my other half there with me to help me cope and to comfort me.
Oh by the way I am on my flight right now… We boarded the plane at 6 p.m. and didn’t actually take off till about 7 p.m. It was really backed up because of the weather in the northeast and so some planes were late and that messed everything up. So it is now 10 p.m. so I am only 3 hours in… 6 more to go! Ellie has been a trooper so far. She has pretty much slept the whole time. It’s about my bed time as well… 
I think I’m gonna try to go to sleep for a while… Maybe we will almost be there by the time I wake up! More later!!

XO Meg
Continued…  Well I slept for a good 4 hours… but I still had two and now only one. I’d be there by now if we hadn’t had been so delayed… but I can’t tell you how excited and ready I am to FINALLY see my hubby!! Four months without him was living… crap! Well maybe it wasn’t that bad but it was very difficult for me to be alone. We married in December and he was still in training then so we weren’t able to be together then… and after training was all over he left for Italy in March. So I have pretty much felt like a single married woman. I’m married but always alone. I hated that feeling and within an hour or so I won’t have to feel that pain for a long time! I’m very excited to see what God has planned for us and to see how much we both grow spiritually. We need all the prayers we can get however. This is going to be a huge difference for me. This is my very first time away from my family. Nervous? Um yeah you could say that. But I think I’m more anxious than nervous. Who knows? So I am pretty thrilled about being able to have this blog to tell you all about my crazy Italian adventures! I can’t wait to actually have some pretty awesome stories! I’m just so ready to land. I think Ellie is getting pretty irritated. She probably needed another one of her pills to calm her nerves but I can’t really get to it very easily. Nor can I get to most of my things… I couldn’t get to my wallet so I couldn’t get online like I had planned. I couldn’t get to my nook or my ipod or my journal so I have pretty much done nothing but sit on here and type and sleep. They played Water for Elephants earlier. I love that movie. It’s pretty sad at parts though. Then they played so other weird movie, which I went to sleep watching. Then Wall Street was playing when I woke up. And now the dreaded TV drama show Glee is on. I have never (and don’t plan to) watched it. It just looks ridiculous. Anyways… So yeah only one more hour till I land and boy when I do I will be the happiest girl in this world!!! I can’t wait to be HOME with Richard! I can’t wait to see what our apartment looks like…  I’ll find out soon!!  More to come later!

XO Meg

August 5th, 2011
I live in Italy with my hubs!!! I still can’t stop smiling!! 
I love my hunny! 
I finally landed around 10:45a.m. (Italy time) on Tuesday. It took forever for me to get all 6 checked bags. But after I loaded them all on a cart I headed toward the exit sign. I just had to go thru double doors and I would be with Richard. The doors opened and there he was. My heart was beating so fast. And then there I was standing right beside him! It was a sweet moment. Josh and Sarah Clemons brought him to the airport because Richard wasn’t sure that his car would hold all of my bags and it’s a really good thing they did because we barely fit my bags in their Jeep. So from the airport we went to our apartment. I was so excited to see my new home! And let me just say Richard did a very good job at picking it out! I love everything about it! My kitchen is awesome, my bathroom is small but really nice, our bedroom is roomy, and I love our windows!! We have a balcony that wraps around the whole place; we have a nice fenced in yard for Ellie to play in (which we share with our neighbors), and we have a garage. My hubs did me proud! So it is now Friday morning and I hate that I don’t have Internet so I can really post this… Richard called yesterday about it and they told him next Thursday they would hook it up. So until then I will just write every few days and keep you up to date with what all I do and when I do get Internet then I will post the longest blog post ever. So I really haven’t done much since I have been here but unpack and getting settled in. Richard is at work right now and Ellie is still asleep and I am catching up on some blogging… Sort of. Being here is a lot different that the US. It makes me miss my family a lot and my friends. I have met a few of Richard’s friends but that is all. I am ready for this weekend though! We plan on going to Ikea! I am pretty excited about that! I wanna take my camera and take a bunch of pictures! I haven’t taken a single pic. Since I have been here and that makes me sad, because I need to be making memories!! I am gonna start today taking pictures that way when we do get Internet I can post pictures along with my posts. Ok well I am about to go get a cup of coffee in my system and then get in the shower. Ciao! XO Meg
August 9, 2011

It was a week today that I flew into Venice. It seems like it was about a month ago…  I still haven’t seen much of Italy. Yesterday Richard took me to Monte Berico. It’s a beautiful church here in Vicenza. What I loved most though was the overlook. 
You could see for miles and miles. The mountains were so majestic looking. I will post pictures when I get internet. That’s right… I still am without internet but hopefully I will be getting it in 2 days. I sure hope so. So until I can really post this I will just write every few days. I have been doing a lot of cleaning the past couple of days… Ellie is having a rough time adjusting I think because she isn’t using her pad at all, instead she uses our bed or the couch. I haven’t really been taking her outside like I should either so I guess its partly my fault. Then this morning she came up to me and had her leash in her mouth. So that was my wake up call I guess. So I got my shoes on and we went outside. She was a bit scared at first because she had never been out before. She sniffed around for forever. Then she finally went to the bathroom and we went inside. I mopped all the rooms and then watched Soul Surfer, which by the way was a really, really good movie. Now I am just sitting at my table… I need to start getting ready for my first FRG meeting. I’m excited. What shall I wear??? Ciao!!

XO Meg

The End.

So yesterday as I said before I got Internet!! I got to Skype with Ms. Shelly, then with my mom, and then my brother! I was thrilled when I saw them! I miss them very much but being able to see them and hear their voices makes it all seem better. I dont know what I would do without technology... Yeah I do.. I would write all day everyday. Millions of letters! haha. Well not much has happened here... I have pretty much stayed at home by myself everyday. It's been pretty lonely... I wish my car would hurry up and get here so I could actually leave the house and have a social life. There are so many ladies over here that I wanna hang out with but I have no way of getting to them... Stinks. 
Well that is all for now... 
XO Meg

Daisypath Anniversary tickers